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Tab Level Security

Tab Level Security:Walkthrough this video to see How to use hidelayer and hide tab feature in the dashboard in OPNBI.

Tab and Layer Level security used to share the Tabs and Layers to selected users, if Admin doesn’t share any particular tab or layer to a user, then that user does not have authorized access for that tab/layer and user can’t access that tab/layer.


The default layer would be visible for all users. the restriction added to the all the tabs and layers other than default.

In order to go to Tab Level Security,open or create a dashboard and click on setting icon available on the top right corner along with save button. Open Tab Level Security List as below image;

Docusaurus Slash Introduction

To enable tab/layer security in dashboard, go to dashboard settings and select Tab Level Security, as shown in figure below:

Docusaurus Slash Introduction

Here in above image Admin has selected the chart tab and enabled share toggle, then selected the user: user1 from the user’s list.

when User1 logged open this dashboard, he can see the chart tab from its particular layer.

The User or Roles radio buttons are existing in bottom of menu, by using those radio buttons the Admin can change the list from users to roles.

Layer Level Security

Layer level security, in the dashboard settings the Layer Level Security’s settings available as shown in figure below:

Docusaurus Slash Introduction

From the above figure, Admin has selected the Layer 1, enabled the Layer Level Security from the toggle button and selected the user1 from the User’s List.

From here only user1 can access the Layer1, other users are unauthorized for the layer1.

The User or Roles radio buttons are existing in bottom of menu, by using those radio buttons the admin can change the list from users to roles.

Click on save button after making changes.

Note: The default layer would be visible for all users. the restriction added to the all the tabs and layers other than default.